This is Not a Correct Representation of MLK or Rep. John Lewis' Legacy!
The Judicial System was Not Made for Black People or Women. Historically. This is correct!
I slept like sh*it on September 23rd, as I had just been made aware of Marcellus Williams.
How had I not heard about this case?
Following news online from sites and accounts I thought would report on it — I found out on TikTok!
As soon as I realized the news accounts I followed didn’t amount to much — I removed myself from their storytelling narrative.
Goggles off. Just like any other news source, some were only reporting news from their angle and not a balanced angle.
Essentially, I realized some were just cherry-picking what topics they wanted to cover.
A newsy blog with influencer vibes if you will.
Not what I subscribed for. So I casually took myself off of the list.
Not for me.
Imagine the awareness people could have had.
Lost forever. The moment — fleeting.
Why did the Marcellus Williams coverage matter?
Marcellus Williams just proved our judicial system doesn’t work, and because he wasn’t a palatable story, his story didn’t land with many news outlets until it was too late.
He also proved our calls and petitions to lawmakers do not work.
Those in power work for their agendas — disavowing their sworn duty to their constituents time and time again.
This is not new news, but it was a direct “play in the publics face” that shouldn’t be ignored.
You must stay vigilant in curating news sources and who you support with your likes and follows.
If you are consistently shown things that don’t align with your value system — remove them from your attention span.
You can find more reputable sites I assure you.
In the same vein of my discontent with professional journalists, and people with successful platforms in general — I also do have to voice my outrage with Kamala Harris and her team for mishandling the Williams case as well.
Since 2020, I have been pretty discontent with the Biden/Harris admin. I am not the only one.
Disclaimer: Don’t worry.
When November rolls around, she will get my vote.
However, I respectfully decline to voice any more vocal support for someone who remained silent on the Marcellus Williams case when it could have helped to save his life.
Harris -- a woman of black and Indian descent -- Harris who is a former prosecutor.
People have been questioning her record as a prosecutor throughout her political career and her silence on this made it clear — she has made no changes to her stance.
If anyone should have had an opinion leading up to Williams’ execution, it should have been Harris.
When I look at the Civil Rights and the Roe V.S. Wade movements — our leadership was unfailing, confrontational, and vocal.
You had presidents speaking on real issues at hand. Taking press to task. Answering questions about dangerous political issues and not suffering fools.
Journalists asked hard-hitting questions.
They knew it was a risk they would not get an answer or be seen as too brash.
I wasn’t there, but we have the footage.
The real issues?
Lobbyists and corporate greed have gotten out of control and everyone wants in on the goodies.
Journalism on every front has gotten worse (“for the last twenty years” — but especially since Donald Trump got into politics).
News outlets and politicians have lowered the bar for themselves everywhere you look.
What happened yesterday should frighten women most of all.
Women’s healthcare can land a woman behind bars already.
A man who was not given a fair trial was just executed with a lack of evidence.
I need you to connect the dots.
Your fair trial, with your medical records and your doctor’s approval, just amounted to a lot less.
Yesterday’s corruption should frighten you to your core.
Yet, somehow it eluded many.
Wake up!
VP Harris’ silence yesterday was not very “brat, not very cutesy” and very much not “demure” much to her campaign’s brilliant marketing tactics.
Her actions undid a lot of her good press in a lot of people’s eyes.
It was a safe “play in the face," to every person of color who rallied for her.
Does she even have a DEI team?
If she does, someone gave her terrible advice and told her that her silence was the right move! It wasn’t!
Where do we go from here?
Vote for the best candidate every time.
Do your research.
Don’t support easily bought candidates.
I know you never can tell.
People get weird with money and power.
Let’s hope our leadership starts leading.