Are Museum's Inspirational or Depressing? Outfits of the Week | Music Loves| BK22 Newsletter #5
Summer Fashion Slowing Down & ramping up for fall....
As a person born in the summer months, I do get the summer blues.
I admit it.
There is something so odd about loving the sun, the beach, the sand, and all the amazing brightness of summer, and, yet still needing a melancholy day to balance it all.
However, this summer, I have needed the sun a lot more. Sitting under shaded patios as I read or work.
Truly the best.
I could sit and be outside all day during the summer if I had my way (within reason, of course).
Sitting outside makes my mood instantly better — knowing that I have to enjoy each good weathered day because the winter will be a lot colder, and I will not want to sit under a snowy patio.
However, I used to have a Norwegian neighbor, and she and her family sat outside during the winter a lot. So, it is all about perspective, I suppose.
I enjoy hikes in the snow, of course ( but sitting outside in the snow must be worked on for myself, I admit).
The greater aspect of life is (um) finding the silver lining in lots of weirdly formed clouds and just hoping the sun appears again (which it does).
Speaking of, I took myself to a museum event after hearing my friend talk about it.
The colors looked so vibrant I had to see it for myself. I literally couldn’t stop thinking about the colors.
I’ve only ever gone to museums with other people, never just myself. I learned a lot.
Museums are a place to learn (of course), but as you view the paintings and the history, it can make you kind of sad.
I don’t think it helped that the subject of the immersive museum was Vincent Van Gogh, whose life was pretty damn sad, but I just wasn’t expecting to be so moved by the care that went into putting on the immersive experience.
Every display was just inspiring and so, so beautiful.
I even did the VR experience at the end, and um — it felt like I was in a weird Tim Burton film while also feeling like I had just spun around a million times because the VR was a 360-degree VR, so you could literally just spin and spin and spin (so I did, of course). They even had your vision on par with Van Gogh. It was WILD!
Summer Outfits
I was having a good run with my summer outfits, and I really liked what I have been sharing, but I have been feeling meh.
Meh about many things.
I will share some of my most recent ones.
Getting dressed is an act of rebellion when feeling meh.
Sharing your outfits is not necessary, but it is fun when in the right mood.
My issue?
I have been extremely busy and bad at taking my time to put together outfits I love.
A good outfit session takes time.
As a creative person, I sometimes think you need breaks from certain things, and other things lend to the creativity of the thing you take a break from.
Sometimes, you need a brain break.
I love to stare at a blank wall sometimes.
Crazy. I know.
Outfits of the Weeks
Am I sharing outfits this week?
I can.
To preserve my sanity, I am not linking them.
Most items should be linked in other newsletters or on my blog.
I am an outfit repeater.
Linking is a never-ending task for a person who blogs, so perhaps I can update links later.
Can you get link burn-out?
I think I have it.
Outfit 1
Dress (from two summers ago) with fun shoes.
Outfit 2
Mixing my matching sets with different set options.
Outfit 3
Mixing sets again.
Outfit 4
Kind of matching set situation. I hate and love it at the same time. Not sure.
Outfit 5
Music Loves
The new Lady Gaga and Bruno collaboration feels exciting, safe, weird, and lovely.
It’s a really good song.
LOVED the music video.
Willow Avalon is an exciting new-to-me country artist.
Paris Hilton and Meghan Trainor's song ‘Chasin’ is also a really great song.
A great gospel artist is Victory - Glory Hour. Cinematic and theatric body of work. Grammy-worthy stuff. You know.
VC Picks
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Best of Fall Fashion from Old Navy